Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kirungi (Chi-lun-ji)- It is good

So bootcamp is over and now we have about two more days at Shimoni. The teacher college students have all left for the term so it is just us Peace corps trainees. It is nice and calm and now we are doing some basic language training in our language groups. It is a much-welcomed change of pace and so far the language is going really well! My language trainers are named Dan and Herbert and they are making the learning fun and not hesitating to laugh at us when we make mistakes. Kirungi is a phrase that can be used as a question, "Kirungi?" to ask if something is good and a response "Kirungi" to say it is. 

On Tuesday we all separate and go to visit our sites for the first time. We will be at our sites for about 3 days meeting everyone and getting acquainted then we travel to our language-training site. I will be in Mityana with 9 other trainees who are all learning Luganda. My language group is probably the best group of people but I am still having separation anxiety from the other 28 people in my cohort. Language training is for a month and then we get back together for swearing in so I know the time will fly.

Shimoni has been really wonderful! I’ve been able to get out and run around. There are a few bars and shops close by that we’ve been going to after sessions. There are also two places that make the delicacy that is a rolex. A rolex is basically a thick, scrumptious flour tortilla called a chipati with scrambled eggs, but it must be the extra love or the extra cooking oil that makes these things so phenomenal. 

The big hill we love to run

My running buddy Margeurite 

If we time it right this heard of cows almost kills us while we run

Chipati making for the Rolex!  

Kiragala! (Chi- la- ga-la)

Teacher bootcamp! We’ve spent the past three weeks at a primary teacher college called Shimoni. For the first week we had trainings around how to implement reading interventions focusing on phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. It has been a learning process for all of us! Some of my pre-school knowledge around lesson planning and classroom management has been put to use but it has been really exciting to learn all of the literacy stuff from the ground up.

So then for the past two weeks, we have gone to a Kira primary school to practice our new skills. We are a little under an hour north of the capital, Kampala, so Kira is basically a suburb and as a result, the pupils at Kira are all very advanced academically. The children in P4 that I will be working with at my site will have no English but the children in P4 at Kira could all speak English and read rather proficiently. Their comprehension skills were a little low because the children are taught mostly by memorization and regurgitation. So it was really fun to go into the school and implement different teaching techniques. The children were all so excited to learn and the Ugandan teachers were also very eager to participate and learn.

We were each assigned a small group in our class to teach specific interventions and smaller reading activities. I was assigned the green group and had the pupils teach me the Luganda word for green- Kiragala. It is pronounced “Chi-la-ga-la.” The pupils thought it was so funny that I asked and then whenever we had to walk to a different classroom or outside we would all chant “Kirlagala!”

Friday, November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving charlie brown!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I am so thankful today because we got a day off and we were taken into Kampala to go to the Peace Corps office and be fed an amazing feast! Chicken instead of turkey and no cranberry sauce to be found but amazing green beans, stuffing, and mashed potatoes and PIE made the day wonderful! There were volunteers from all the other cohorts so it was a big group and a great substitute family for the day. 

Every party needs an american flag tent, Right? 

The Peace Corps Office!

Yummy Food!

Look! Friends!!


Margeurite, Tahrima and Cara!

So now it is back to the grind. We are doing lesson plans for our practice teaching next week. Wish me luck! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Guess who is team player of the day! O and I have pictures to share!

Are you proud mom and dad?!?! Last week a trainee of the day and a team player started to be named every day and I was todays team player for organizing a movie night and probably for my sick dance moves 

And here is a picture of my mentor, Linda! She is so proud of me!

And here is a picture form when we went to visit a Primary Teachers college and a primary school. All the students put on a welcome dance for us! 

So thats all for now! Tomorrow is thanksgiving and we get the day off to go to the peace corps office to have an american thanksgiving ugandan style. I'll take more random pictures!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Made it to Uganda!

Start at 5:00 pm at JFK on Tuesday November 11. 7 hour plane to Brussels. 3 hour lay over in Brussels where I fell asleep (see picture below). 10 hour plane to Rwanda, brief 50 minute layover on the ground. 30 minute trip to Entebbe, Uganda landing at 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday November 12 Uganda time which is about 3 p.m. Eastern Time.

Brief sleep and then dive right into training. We stayed at a beautiful farm but unfortunately did not get much time to explore. Lots of team building and getting to know one another. I had some trouble figuring out technology and had to make some extra calls to get my iPhone unlocked but it is all working so please WhatsApp or viber me!! my uganda phone number is in the contact part.

Today we moved from the farm to a primary teacher college for "teacher bootcamp" for the next three weeks. After that we go to homestay for our language training. We found out our placements a few days ago and I found out I will be in the central region north of Masaka which is what I wanted!! I'm going to have to look out for Zebras!

So they have been keeping us busy and apparently we stay that way for the next 2 and a half months so I apologize for not posting as often but I promise when I am at my sight by myself and lonely and homesick I will post all the time!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

This is what packing looks like...

Me, my mom, and sister watching my last Washington Capitals Hockey game at home

So it's the night before I leave Maryland. Tomorrow, my mom, sister, and I will drive up to Philadelphia. We are going to spend the night in Phili and then staging is set for Monday at noon. Staging is a series of sessions and then we spend Monday night in Phili and our plane leaves from JFK on Tuesday. 

I was bracing for impact today emotionally. Packing is not my strong suit. So across the past months at home I have been slowly setting things aside and taking over my sisters room as my packing staging area. I am so thankful to both of my parents for being so supportive and helping me get prepared. Lots of shopping trips meant that I had a lot of equipment and clothes to pack. My mom has ninja packing skills and managed so squeeze all of my belongings into two duffels and a carry on. We all made it through the packing process but once it was all cleaned up, we all started crying. We knew this day was coming but it is still pretty unreal to imagine me leaving for 27 months. 

So how did we cope? Wine and dinner of course! Then home for a hockey game, so lets go Caps! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

But these go to 11.... (whats that name mean?)

Ok, Context for the title:

It was one of the many nights of the annual beach vacation with my mom and sister. The previous conversation topics had included the afterlife(classic), reproductive rights(of course), gender dynamics relating to marginalization of people who are transgender(obviously), which marvel super hero we find hunkiest (Chris Hemsworth.. drool) and so this night we were discussing my imminent trip to Uganda with the Peace Corps, specifically, blog names. I was sharing that I wanted to write a blog but I didn't want it to be a generic "1000 steps from Maryland to Africa!" or "Chesapeake girl in Uganda!" (no offense, because those are lovely titles!) when my mom and sister reflected on the fact that I can get, now lets put it nicely, "passionate" and "energetic" when discussing certain topics. In reality, they were tipsy so they were being mean and calling me "obnoxious" and "aggressive." That is when my sister, Karlynn, said "You are like the amps from This is Spinal Tap! You go to 11!!" For those of you unfamiliar with the genius mocumentary:

Now in previous moments in my life, I would get extremely sensitive about being called obnoxious and especially being called aggressive and have in fact thrown inanimate objects at friend who have called me such adjectives (sorry LB). But, I guess it's time to face the facts...

My name is Jamie Holland, I am 23 years old, I am from Southern Maryland, and I am obnoxious, intense, aggressive, caring, charismatic, passionate, energetic, thoughtful, and (in my opinion) delightfully charming, adorable, and hilarious! I am about to leave for a 27 month long service with the Peace Corps in Uganda. I will be leaving in exactly 3 weeks and I feel like this trip is kicking my life up to "11" and there will be days where I feel like only going to 4 or even feel like quitting, but I hope the name of this blog will encourage and remind me that I have all the strength and characteristics to "go to 11." I started this blog to chronicle my experience and share it with loved ones but I'm just warning you all, this might be the start of a life long obsession with blogging! Or I might pull a classic Peace Corps Volunteer move and only post once every 6 months.. just to cover all the options! But I am going to try my hardest to post as much as I can and I look forward (actually will be hoping and expecting!) for all who read this blog to respond and share thoughts, feelings, and ideas. 

So here is my blog, to chronicle my journey, but let's be honest, it is really going to be more so I can write down my endless thoughts about my feelings and share them with you all. Pretend to be interested or strap down for the ride because it is getting real and we are all GOING TO 11!!!!!